Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Aztec Warrior portfolio piece

What up!

So awhile back I was working on a character that was a sort of homage to my Mexican heritage.

first 2 posts:;postID=4165121269973109140;postID=4543085605260905629

I since have worked on this character for awhile, working on a portfolio piece for my eventual new site.

Im not sure about what name to give (yet) but I wanted to hammer out an illustration, a sort of splash page of the character entirely in an action here's the black and white version of the piece.

I might give it some time before I move onto colors, maybe make adjustments here and there...but this is what she looks like for now, hope you guys like it.


*update 5/11/12*

This is a color rough for this particular step is to refine the light and dark values before I 100% settle on this.

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